Daily Archives: November 12, 2012

5 posts

America’s Love Affair with Mitt Romney Comes to an End, At Last

Mitt Romney lost. November 6th saw the end of the Romney campaign, and the total collapse of the entire Romneyverse. The multiverse imploded–it was Crisis on Infinite Romneys. Blood ran red in the corridors of Fox News, and the Romney campaign waved its arms, made honking noises, and collapsed with a clang like the giant robot in Iron Giant. Continue reading

The Petraeus Affair: Powerful Men Pledging Allegiance to Almighty Sex

Just three days after president Obama’s historic re-election news hit the airwaves of General David Petraeus’ illicit affair with his biographer Paula Broadwell. In the days that followed not only was there talk of FBI involvement, racy emails, and harassment, but a second woman has been uncovered as yet another potential love interest for the high-ranking officer whom allegedly set off a maelstrom of potential jealousy on the part of Broadwell, and led to the uncovering of the affair and Petraeus’ subsequent resignation from his post as CIA director amid shame and innuendo. Continue reading

A Stroll Around Karakul Lake

We have arrived! At 12,000 feet, Karakul Lake literally takes your breath away. After a surprisingly delicious meal in a concrete cantina next to the lake, we decide to take an afternoon stroll.

Though the lake is only three miles in circumference, my severe altitude sickness– pounding headache, shortness of breath, inability to concentrate– meant the walk took more than two hours. Miraculously, I was still able to take some decent photos. And to this day, eight years later, I remember the entire experience as if it were yesterday. Continue reading