Daily Archives: September 9, 2012

3 posts

A Recap of the Most Appalling Reactions to the 2012 Democratic National Convention

A very special thanks to Sootcha for all the painful research assistance for this post.

Well it has been an exciting couple of weeks. First the GOP took over Tampa and presumably cemented the exotic dancer vote for the Democrats, then the godless, blue-state sodomites brought there sinful ways to Charlotte. Once again, America weeps. Anyhoo, nothing brings brings the frothy rage of a wingnut up like liberals having a good time. Here is a collection of some of this week’s most regrettable reactions to the 2012 DNC.   Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Tuna with Ramen

There are some weeks where there is just SO much work that I don’t feel like cooking anything. However, being on a budget means eating less take-out and more home cooked meals. While looking for a quick and easy recipe, I came across this one in last year’s Bon Appetit Italy Issue. What is ramen doing in an Italy issue? I’m not quite sure, but the recipe was part of the 4 Chefs/1 Ingredient Challenge, which was to get creative with canned tuna. I like that the recipe highlights the flexibility of ramen, and has made me curious about other ways to jazz up the noodles. Continue reading