Blind Items

When you were young and your heart was an open book, you used to say live and let live.

1) “Let’s take a break from the Twilight despair to get into some sexual produce.

They’ve been together a while now. They’re beautiful and fashionable and they’ve travelled the world. This sense of adventure extends beyond geography. After so many years, it would appear that these two are still super hot for each other.

At a party very recently, they wandered into the garden. They started kissing, rubbing, grinding. He went between her thighs…with his hands…and an accessory.

A cucumber.

In the garden.

At a party.

With a cucumber.

She enjoyed it.

They didn’t know at the time but there was an audience. When they figured that out they were obviously mortified. They’re a lot luckier than Kristen Stewart though. The evidence in this case will not be published.” [Lainey Gossip]

2) “The babys father of a popular R&B singer just sent out this letter to his fraternity brothers. This ish is about to get UGLY!!! We’re putting the story as a Blind Item because he’s making some CRIMINAL ACCUSATIONS against his celeb babys mother. And we’re not trying to get anybody LOCKED UP!!!” [MediaTakeout]

3) “She is a beautiful and talented actress who is currently in a leading role. She has been actively involved in issues bigger than herself, and comes across as worldly and compassionate. Don’t let the philanthropy fool you. This one is a predator.

During the course of filming a big blockbuster a few years back, she set her sights on one of the crew. He was married and told her that he wasn’t interested. However, her beauty and charm eventually proved impossible for him to resist. They had an affair. She told him that they had a cosmic connection and that they were soulmates and that she would marry him if he got a divorce. So he did. Bad move. The actress got bored with him and gave him the bum’s rush from the relationship. He was left with nothing but the dog.

She has since moved on to a new man. It’s practically a repeat performance of the last one. Yes, he is a crew member on her current project. She tells him that they have a cosmic connection and that he is her soulmate. You already know where this one is going.” [Blind Gossip]

4) “Remember the Jubilee concert? Well, when many of the bands turned up for the dress rehearsal they were told they’d only be able to mime rather than play live. So which group of nutters decided to take advantage and got in an immediate order of class As. And got off their tits before taking the Buck Palace stage.” [PopBitch via Blind Gossip]

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