Mitt Romney’s Sour Grapes Response to NAACP Booers

What happens when you come before an organization that is about the advancement of African-Americans, a large percentage of whom voted for the current president, and you disparage him in your speech by using the weird, teabagger-esque colloquialism for the Affordable Health Care Act, and call it “Obamacare?” Yeah, well you get booed. So what’s your response? Diminish the entire group by saying they’re just out looking for a free ride.

Speaking at a fundraiser in Montana later yesterday, this is exactly what Mitt Romney said after the sounds of those resounding boos made the media rounds.

“If they want more stuff from the government, tell them to go vote for the other guy-more free stuff. But don’t forget nothing is really free.”

That sounds to me like being invited to someone’s home and then later calling them all a bunch of jerks because they didn’t like your ambrosia salad full of patronizing dimwittery. He may have well said, “See, I’m trying to help them, and see what I get for my trouble? Bunch of ingrates. The whole lot of ’em!”

It’s sure nice to know what Romney really thinks about all those nice people he went to meet yesterday. You know, how much he really cares about the concerns of the American people. Notice I didn’t say “those people.”

Here’s the full statement posted on Gretawire. (Don’t read the comments.)

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