Maybe we can file this under “Only in Manhattan” or “Things only the insanely rich will think of?” At any rate, Beverly Taki and her husband, Louis Maione of Park Avenue feel they should be reimbursed by their co-op board for $27,000 worth of takeout meals. And I’d like my co-op board to pay me in diamond stud earrings for every grass clipping that lands on my welcome mat. Yes, thank you. Continue reading
Daily Archives: April 2, 2012
Last week on Apprentice: the teams had to make Crystal Light exciting and fun by throwing some kind of promotional party. Based on criteria I didn’t really understand, the executives liked the men’s shindig, so Unanimous won. After the usual boardroom blather, Patricia was fired. Who’s going to be set free – I mean fired – tonight? Continue reading
I’ll start posting them earlier. I swear! Now get to guessing! Continue reading
For this season of Game of Thrones, instead of a regular recap which goes in-depth and scene-by-scene, we’ll construct an analysis of the episode while pointing out key factors that were interesting, has potential to influence the rest of the season, or were just cool enough to warrant mention. As always, there will be spoilers. Continue reading
Auturo DiModica is an Italian born artist who sculpted Charging Bull (seen above) on his own initiative and at his own expense. In 1989, he just up and “gave” it to the people of the City of New York by having it transported to a spot in front of the New York Stock Exchange and just left it there. The NYPD impounded it. Public outcry saved the bull from oblivion and it was mounted in Bowling Green square, about 3 blocks south from where DiModica had left it. Continue reading
Today’s Sausage is full of Pink Slime. Continue reading
Hello, little chickens. What did you think of last night’s episode? Got any great recaps you’d like to share?
I’m catching up on the episode right now, so my thoughts will be in the comments.
Image via.
It’s 1996. Where are you? Continue reading