Daily Archives: November 23, 2011

6 posts

Things You Can Now Do If You Take Your Multivitamins

My good internet friend sent me a link to this story and, like all news stories on the internet, I briefly scanned it, barely digested what it was about, and started making jokes about it in my head.

The story seems to be about a study that has found there’s a correlation between taking multivitamins, feeling a sense of invulnerability, and doing risky and/or stupid things. Continue reading

Occupy Toronto Being Evicted

This morning Occupy Toronto is being evicted from its camp at St. James Park.

A legal fight was put up last week, with Occupy’s lawyers seeking a court order to quash the eviction notice issued by the City of Toronto, but were unsuccessful.  Toronto is the latest in a string of evictions by Canadian cities seeking to crush the Occupy protests.  Earlier last week, injunctions were granted against the occupations in Vancouver and Victoria (the provincial capital of British Columbia).  Two weeks ago, police forcibly evicted occupiers in London, Ontario, and in Halifax, Nova Scotia protesters agreed to move the location of their occupation, and once they had moved they were all arrested. Continue reading