Daily Archives: August 23, 2011

13 posts

Office Etiquette or Office Fascism?

Here at Crasstalk, we regularly hear about annoying co-workers, boring co-workers, inconsiderate co-workers, incompetent co-workers, backstabbing co-workers and even the odd Scott Adams-style co-worker. And about managers who are petty, sadistic and anti-social. Of course, we also boast of our own errors, drunkenness, forgetfulness and irritating behaviours, often while we are meant to be doing productive work. We want our co-workers and managers to obey an unwritten code of etiquette. At the same time, we don’t want unnecessarily restrictive fascist management cramping our style and making us unhappy for no good reason. Where’s the line? Continue reading


Don’t panic, folks. That shaking you felt that rattled your desk while you were trying to comment on your friend’s Facebook status? That was just a 5.9 earthquake in Virgina that rippled across the east coast. I’m sure we’ll all be fine, so just go back to “work” now.

So. What did you do to survive the Earthquake of 2011?


Android Dominates Apple on Consumer Smartphones

Google’s Android mobile operating system totally owned Apple’s iOS software in market share last quarter, research firm NPD has announced. According to the report, Android invaded 52 percent of all the smartphones sold in the U.S. last quarter, bitch slapping iOS down to only 29 percent market share. BlackBerry OS came in a cheap third at 11 percent share, according to NPD. Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile, and WebOS all tiny piles of suck, each with under 5 percent market share. We know that number isn’t going up for WebOS anytime soon. [ CNET ] Continue reading

Public Assistance In 2011 Is Charles Dickens’ Worst Nightmare

When you first meet Janine, your overall impression is of softness – she speaks clearly in modulated Midwestern tones, her hair is a honey-colored cloud, and she has the kind of posture your Grandmother yelled at you for not having.  Her casual clothes are sweet and feminine.  Today she has on a denim skirt on which she hand-stitched a few tiny flowers, and a gauzy white eyelet blouse more befitting a high school sophomore than the 43 year old medical secretary she once was.  And she’ll talk about that to me today, while she tells me all about what it’s like to be on public assistance for the first time in her life.

There’s the shame, of course, and we’ll get to that.  But first, more about Janine. She moved to New York to follow a man.  He was a contractor redesigning the billing system in the Midwestern hospital where Janine worked, and by their third date she was smitten. Continue reading

QOTD: Save The Life Of One Person In History

You may save the life of one person, and one person only, from any point in history.  This person must have died by a means other than natural causes/old age.  As part of the deal, the person is guaranteed to live until they die of old age.

For the sake of argument, no matter what changes to history your actions make, you and your loved ones will still be born. Continue reading

Facebook Spam Filter Blocks Legitimate Web Sites (Including This One)

In a story probably familiar to the readers of this blog, Facebook has confirmed that its spam filters are responsible for the suspension of several accounts and pages run by environmental activists. Facebook denies that the bans were related to the content of the posts; instead blaming the automated algorithms that control it’s spam filter. Continue reading

Test Your Vocabulary

Merriam-Webster has a brief, ten question vocabulary test.

Crasstalkers are a pretty bright bunch when we aren’t slinging feces at one another for our opinions about wine, cheerleading, gentrification, parenting, placentas and now, breastfeeding. I’d like to see how we stack up to the national average score of  2480. I scored 3820, which proves that not all Republicans are stupid.

One thing to note: speed counts and gives you bonus points.  You have a full ten seconds to provide the definition, but move faster and you will earn more points.

Ready? Go!

The Glee Project: Put Them Out Of Their Misery

The final episode of this highly dysfunctional reality/competition singstravaganza on Oxygen aired on August 21. It was a dark and possibly stormy evening, depending on where you were at the time. Because consistency is important, the show runners did not deviate from the set-in-stone format of the show. Mini Challenge, Let’s Make A Video, Sing For Your Life, Time To Go. Beware, there are spoilers inside! Continue reading