Daily Archives: June 2, 2011

17 posts

Veronica Lake is Listening Gossip Links

What’s that, darling? You’re not making any sense. Calm down. Stop screaming. BREATHE! Use your words to tell Veronica what’s bothering you.


You say the banality of the celebrity-industrial complex in its current iteration has driven you to near-fatal ennui? That you never thought you’d live to see the day when the likes of me were replaced with talentless, tiny orange gnome women with novelty tits and hair?

Me either, babe. Me either.

There now. Easy, boy. Have a saucer of milk and a little time out and when you’re ready you can click over the link to see today’s extra-creamy gossip links with a side of nearly-actual news. There, there. All better now. Continue reading

What We Can Learn From Loss

My dearest GeeGomOn March 28th, my world changed forever. Four weeks after a car accident that left her in a coma, my Grandmother took her last breath (with the help of a ventilator) and went into the most peaceful sleep anyone could imagine. Or that’s how I think of it, anyway.

The events that led up to that moment are unchangeable. A woman drove through a stop sign going 40 mph and slammed into the side of a car that was driven by my Aunt. Her sister was in the passenger seat, while their mother and youngest sister sat in the back seat. They were driving my Grandmother to a doctor’s appointment. After the initial hit, the car driven by my Aunt flipped several times before landing on the roof. The police were called, ambulances came, the jaws of life were used and everyone was brought to the hospital alive.  Continue reading