Daily Archives: February 8, 2011

8 posts

Second Shift Open Thread

Hi gang and welcome to Crasstalk. If you are new here you can take a look at this post to get you started. Please feel free to use the post as an open thread, but since we would like to see more of you writing for us, I am going to suggest that you can also use this space to kick around ideas for new articles and to ask questions about the process of posting to word press. If you need extra help please email me at [email protected]. I will be checking in throughout the evening. Since I want to encourage you to write I will give you a few handy tips to help get you started: Continue reading

Art Appreciation – Albrecht Dürer

The new art must be based upon science — in particular, upon mathematics, as the most exact, logical, and graphically constructive of the sciences.

– Albrecht Dürer - (1471 – 1528)

Self-portrait When you think of the Renaissance, you probably think of da Vinci,   Michelangelo, or another Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. You should also think of Albrecht Dürer, and not just because he was pretty face. He was also a theoretical mathematician who applied his findings to his art, making leaps and bounds in representing the scale and proportion of his subjects.

Praying Hands

Ask any art student what the most difficult thing is to draw and 9 times out of 10 you will get “hands” as your answer. Dürer nailed them. And since figurative art apparently wasn’t challenging enough, he painted landscapes, religious iconography, plants, and architecture. He studied animal forms and reproduced them in previously unimagined detail. Not satisfied with simply painting, Dürer created woodcuts and copper engravings to make prints. He made a couple of astronomical maps, too. Oh, and he was a published author on geometry and human proportions in art.

So, yeah. Leonardo et al. were geniuses, but Dürer was geniuser.


The Crasstalk Twitter account is back up and running!

I will be checking in a few times a day to see if new articles are posted and will then tweet to all our ‘many’ followers.  I do, however, have a day job and am often busy saving lives at work so I may miss your post!  If you have a Twitter account and write a post – hit me up at @crasstalk on Twitter to let me know.  Also, if for some insane reason you do not want your post promoted, let me know you would rather I not tweet about it.

And don’t forget to follow @Crasstalk on Twitter!

Chasing the Unicorn

Earlier this week, I reactivated one of my dating profiles after several months of being off the dating grid. In the hopes of having a fresh start, I created a new username, uploaded new photos, wrote some new “witty” copy, and put together a quick video with additional information on yours truly.

So far, I’ve not received any flirts/winks/happy-smiley-faces. I’ve sent a couple of flirts to a few guys, but didn’t hear back. After seeing some cuties on the site, I sent brief e-mails asking the guys about something mentioned in their profile. No response.

In the back of my mind, I know this is a test of my patience, yet it kills me. Having my e-mail open in a tab for most of the day, I admit I get a little excited at the hopes that when I click over, it will be an e-mail from someone on the site. I figure I have another week before that optimism wears off.

Recently, one of my gay friends went through my roster of talents and asked why I wasn’t married. I simply shrugged my shoulders. It’s not as if I haven’t asked myself that internally. And I don’t even necessarily want to get married.

This is why I can't have nice thingsI’ll readily admit that I’m not hot, nor am I everyone’s cup of tea. Still, I can’t help but get angry when I see two trolls in love while I’m commuting to/from work. Fucking lucky trolls in love.

But I digress…

Anyone else out there playing around in the dating puddle? What tips can you offer in maintaining one’s sanity?

Barbie Q’s Advice Column

This is a new feature in which I will take relationship questions and dispense advice based on concrete principles such as what my cat thinks or how my 2 year old daughter responds.
Dear Barbie Q:
I own a store that has a bunch of long-time, loyal shoppers. The thing is, they kind of get on my nerves. They are always making snarky remarks and inside jokes. They always show up and buy lots of stuff, but I’d like to attract new shoppers and I think the clique that hangs out at my store is driving away potential shoppers. What should I do?
Mr. Nique

Dear Mr. Nique
Here’s my advice – get rid of the whiny, self-centered shoppers as soon as possible. I recommend a few strategies:
• Install a door a revolving door and pretend it’s broken when the clique-y shoppers try to come in
• Invite potential shoppers who may or may not be interested in buying your product. This will overcrowd the store and annoy the clique-y shoppers and force them to shop elsewhere
• If the clique-y shopper express special love for any product, stop carrying it immediately
• Make them go to the back of the line if they make smartassed comments

If this doesn’t work, I recommend sending in an attack hamster. Let me know if you need a reference. I know a good one.