Finally, another installment of YUWRPMA. Sorry for the long delay, kids. When we last left you, we had been fighting over a bridge. Nothing has been cleared up on that front except for more arguing. So, let’s get down to business shall we? Continue reading
2 posts
Reviews are the stuff of life nowadays. Very rarely do we encounter anything anymore where someone hasn’t written an opinion about it. Of course there are reviews for every place or event you can think of, but what about the places or things that you’d never consider? Who the hell would go to their computer or phone, load up Yelp and start typing out a tome to the DMV? Well, ok, everyone knows why someone would do that but still?
Out of curiosity, I’ve done some completely random, non-comprehensive, non-scientific research to find out who these people are and some of the places they felt the need to share their view of the world for: Continue reading