Watch The Throne

3 posts

Video Trax: Jay-Z and Kanye Think Anarchy, Uprising and Elephants in “No Church in the Wild”

Hip-Hop’s elder statesman, Jay-Z, and his protégé, Kanye West, have returned to the musical equivalent of the visual motion image, and released their video for “No Church in the Wild.” Is it something of a throwback, conjuring the rage against the machine that was once brought forth by rap impresarios like Public Enemy, or is it a mish-mash of things that’s trying too hard to be both prophetic and timely? Continue reading

The Best Kanye West Collaborations

If the rumor mill is to be believed (and in this case, I hope it is!), Kanye West & Jay Z will release Watch The Throne on July 4th. It has the potential to be epic – but at the very least, it will be something to talk about. It’s not, however, something new. Kanye has made a habit of working with different artists; some likely (see: Jay Z, Kid Cudi & Nicki Minaj) and some… not as likely. Let’s take a look at the best of the more unlikely Kanye collaborations (with artists outside of the world of hip-hop). Maybe ‘Ye will take the hint & become inspired by his past work with these artists enough to create whole albums with them. A girl can dream, right? Continue reading