MTV is premiering a new show in January called Buckwild about West Virginia teenagers. These teens, of course, will not be studious or straight-laced. They will be shooting squirrels and going mudding. This is always what happens when someone films in West Virginia. The film turns into The Wild Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. They never show a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer or even a competent store clerk. I thought I would show you a few things about WV that you aren’t likely to hear elsewhere. Continue reading
the south
2 posts
The Georgia Guidestones
In an isolated spot in Elbert County Georgia stands one the most mysterious monuments in American history. The Georgia Guidestones are are an arrangement of large granite slabs that are arranged in a manner that allow them to be used as an astrological calendar and clock. This would make the structures interesting enough, but the uncertainty about who built the monument and the cryptic messages written upon it make the Guidestones the object of much speculation from the conspiracy theory community. Continue reading