This actually rather poignant short film encapsulates, with some possible exaggeration (or is it?) our modern everyday usage (or addiction) to our smart phones. It begs the question of when is enough…enough? Continue reading
Please don’t tell me that damnable Justin Timberlake movie about paying for things with time, or teeny, tiny douche hats, or odd falsetto riffs, will someday become a thing. Surely, we won’t have to worry about new types of currency, right? Continue reading
I’m not going to lie to you. I’m not the Android badass of the world. I haven’t rooted my phone. I use only the Android and Amazon markets. I do, however, find myself playing with my smartphone often. It’s possibly the most useful thing I own. Continue reading
Part One: Android Basics
As Android becomes more and more popular, people are increasingly looking for advice on which phones to buy, which apps to download, and what settings to use to optimize their Android experience. Lucky for you guys, I’m here to help. I’ve had my Android phone (a Verizon Droid Incredible) for almost a year now, and I’ve done just about everything you can do to one.