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‘Tis the season for summer parties. And this is a fun dish to bring to any gathering of friends and family. Smoky chorizo flavor is played up with a warm smoked paprika vinaigrette and fresh chives. Continue reading
I’ve had some big good life news.
After nearly a decade in a small, dark, little railroad-style apartment, we moved into a big new place with lots of light.
However, even though we gained an eating space, dishes are still stacked perpendicularity on the kitchen counter. Continue reading
Happy New Year, Crasstalk! For anyone who made a resolution to eat healthier, here’s a little salad you can whip up in around 15 minutes.
I come from a big “oranges in the Christmas stocking” family. And so does my husband. I think it’s a beautiful tradition. Our respective family’s give oranges (along with a gazillion others I suspect) because in the not-so-distant past of the depression, oranges were like gold to our grandparents and great-grandparents. (Or in honor of St. Nick throwing gold into Christmas stockings in folklore. Either way, oranges equal gold, baby!) Continue reading
My father-in-law is a vegan and he mostly lives on tofu. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, I never really enjoyed tofu until he made me his signature dish.
He mixes together a mean stir-fry of tofu, broccoli, onions, chili oil, and he uses garlic so judiciously that I don’t even know it’s there. Continue reading
I love to cook, my mother loves to cook, so Thanksgiving is our day to play. However, it’s only going to be four of us for dinner this year, and Mom and I were talking about how to adjust the menu accordingly.
Then I threw out the idea that we jettison tradition and make something different. Continue reading
Depending on where you live – man-oh-man – it’s been hot over the last week. I’m not ready for 90-plus degree days and humidity that makes the cats nap in the cool bathtub.
So the other day when I was craving pasta salad and realized that I didn’t have anything but lasagna noodles, I was irked. Who has two thumbs, A/C, and didn’t feel like walking several blocks to buy shells or elbow pasta? This woman. Continue reading
Sometimes you just need to laugh and get childish. Oh, and eat well and day drink. My cousin is my best friend – and that’s pretty amazing. It’s cool to have a friendship that doesn’t just span from elementary school to the present, it actually spans from her toilet training me (even though we’re about the same age) to the present.
What can I say. She’s a 7 months older and more mature than I am. Continue reading
There is nothing better than a crab cake that is almost all crab. Seems silly to have to make this distinction, but depending on where you go, some crab cakes are about 80% fillers and 20% crab meat. This recipe is mostly lump crab meat, with just enough binders to keep the crab from falling apart during frying. These crab cakes are great on a bed of fresh spinach, and topped with your favorite vinaigrette. Continue reading
Labor day is fast approaching and it typically leaves me a little stymied. Especially if I’m invited to a gathering and the hosts say, “Don’t bring pasta salad, we’ve got that covered.” Because then – of course – that’s all I can think of to bring. Continue reading