This week, fewer calories and 0% fat. Continue reading
Game of Thrones Recap
So how do you end the first season of a show that is shaping up to be the next biggest thing in HBO history? Well, you have to do it justice. You also have to remind the audience that there is more than a little bit of magic and mayhem at play if you’re talking about the Game of Thrones. And with a show this jam packed with honor, family, death, and life you’d better just remember how the show started and to expect the unexpected.
The Game of Thrones: Endgame.
So it has come to this. Decisions will be made. Do you honor thy family, or do you complete your duty to the realm? These are the questions that haunt the men and women of Westeros and the outlying areas. There is much at stake, and one false move will topple all the pieces set in motion, and there is no going back. So what do you do?
Who is it that you are really living for? Continue reading