
23 posts

Coming Out (Of Hiding)

Hey Kittens!  Ok – I Abandoned Ship. I was AWOL.  And now I’m back, bitches, with a tale of a trip. It wasn’t a big dramatic trip, like To The Antipodes Of The Abyss. Nor was it of medium drama, like to The Wobbly Wall Of Woe. More like a Furlough To The Fissure. Or Fistula Of Fire, since it was indeed a pain in the ass. (Thank you, NYC subway advertisers, for introducing the horror of the fistula to my vocabulary.)

Because I appreciate all the support that came my way from my fellow writers here, I engage in yet another Betty Crocker overshare.  My experience is bound to help at least one of you who is similarly situated, and that’s what it’s all about, is it not? I love you guys, and it’s the least I can do. Continue reading