Well hello there Crasstalk. Welcome to the Writer’s Workshop. Tonight let’s try to brain storm some new ideas and discuss some of the stuff that can help us write quality articles. Winning the Internet is difficult work, but we are a team like no other. Let’s get to it!
A few notes before we get started:
- Everyone should take a few minutes to reread the Writer’s Guide. Especially the part about image sizing.
- If you need an author’s account please email [email protected] so we can set you up.
- Please use social media to promote your articles, we want new people to see what we are doing here.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. The admins and editors here want you to be successful. We are always available to give you a hand.
- Please give each other feedback on the ideas people post below. This only works if we work together.
Here’s a few ideas to get us started off.
- Summer vacation guides. Do you live someplace that tourists visit? Give some off the beaten path suggestions or local tips
- Offbeat or weird news items.
- How to guides (ie: How to write a Cover letter)
- Food guides
- Hobby posts. Collect something? Build things? Tell us about it.
Ok, you get the idea. Let’s get to work. Here’s your you Hootenanny sound track.