
27 posts
Give me a day in bed with gummy colas, beef jerky and Chex Mix and I'm a happy gurl. I love puppy dog licks and the way my hair looks at the beach. I dislike loud sneezing and dirty bathrooms. I dream of one day running away and joining a rock band or to work as a carny.

Coming to Terms with Depression

At best I would gloat and brag of my excellent mental health.  At worst, I could be condescending and downright vicious toward anyone else’s “supposed” mental instability. Then one day I’m in therapy, and my therapist suggests, after a straight six months of feeling flat and disinterested, that I could be depressed.

Nope, not me. I don’t feel sad. I don’t cry under warranted or unwarranted circumstances, I don’t feel suicidal. But I’m so tired and everything pisses me off (I can now relate to anger without enthusiasm). Things that I normally like to do are unappealing and all food tastes bland. I can’t concentrate, can’t remember anything short term and staying in bed is so much more appealing then talking to people. I’m bored with everything and look forward to nothing. Except going home and going to bed, I can’t sleep enough. Booze (that I suddenly can’t stand the taste of) and various non-prescribed chemicals help…temporarily, and then I feel worse. Continue reading

What A Slore! How We Perceive Celebrities Who Cheat

As an adoring public, we have always taken sides when it comes to our favorite celebrities and the battles they face publicly. Their larger than life lives are in our faces 24/7, so it’s no wonder we relate to them as if we know them and their entire story.

Most recently, I have been seeing a lot of support for Robert Pattinson in the wake of his girlfriend, Kristen Stewart’s cheating scandal, but Stewart seems to be facing the brunt of the blame. She has kept a low profile and pulled out of a flick she was to star in. I won’t get into what the Twi-hard fans are saying about her disgrace. What I’m wondering is, why? Why does Kristen Stewart have to walk about with the “Scarlet A” burned upon her resume now? Continue reading

The Sikh Way of Life Can Teach Us a Thing or Two

Originally, I intended that this post be about the Sikh people, then about the beautiful principles taught in Sikhism and then about the founder Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh Guru.  Reading about all  has proven both enlightening and interesting. I was reminded of many valuable lessons.

For example, the monotheistic religion, founded almost 500 years ago, is the fifth largest organized religion in the world with over 30 million Sikhs worldwide.  The Sikh religious philosophy has been traditionally known as Gurmat (literally ‘wisdom of the Guru’). Devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, the denouncing of superstition and most importantly, equality of man-kind, are it’s key principles. The Sikh religion teaches respect to all other religions and that one should not only defend one’s religion, but the religious faith of others as a human right as well.  At the end of every Sikh prayer, there is a request for the welfare of all humanity. Continue reading

Three Olympians Who Got there the Hard Way

Looking at the lives of these three young gymnasts, it would be hard pressed not to become inspired by the bleak odds each overcame in order to fulfill their dreams of traveling to the 2012 Olympics. It’s not only their skills that brought them to London, but their heart. Each of these young men have this in common. The Olympics. To these young men, the path to creating a better life is by competing in the Olympic games. Continue reading

One Woman’s Quest to Become a Sexy Motorcyclist

I became bored riding on the back of my husband’s motorcycle. I decided the next logical step for me of course, was to get my own motorcycle. I envisioned myself as a sexy, feminine rider. I would master the twisties and finally get a tattoo. Something pretty, maybe a sugar skull. And I could even join an all-female biker club. My husband, excited at the prospect of having a live in riding buddy, bought me lessons with an former state trooper, Smitty, for my birthday and a 2008 Honda 750 Shadow for Christmas. I was all set. All I needed was a license and the open road. Continue reading

I Fear This Post

Phobias. We all have them. Some of us have many, some just one. Some phobias are so severe that they can debilitate us and some just simply freak us out. Some are harmless and some hurt others. Those phobias that discriminate, I refuse to acknowledge.

The word phobia is Greek for “fear” or “morbid fear.” When naming a phobia, any word connected to it should be Greek. However, throughout the years it has become acceptable for the medical community to add a Latin suppletion to a Greek stem to form a name. Continue reading