I Fear This Post

Phobias. We all have them. Some of us have many, some just one. Some phobias are so severe that they can debilitate us and some just simply freak us out. Some are harmless and some hurt others. Those phobias that discriminate, I refuse to acknowledge.

The word phobia is Greek for “fear” or “morbid fear.” When naming a phobia, any word connected to it should be Greek. However, throughout the years it has become acceptable for the medical community to add a Latin suppletion to a Greek stem to form a name.

For those of you who do not have Testophobia, try to figure out what each of the below phobias are. Don’t cheat by Google!

1. Oenophobia – Many of us around here would be in trouble if we suddenly developed this phobia. We might as well have a phobia to water for goodness sakes!

2. Cacophobia – If you have this phobia and you looked into the souls of many members of the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, and Rush Limbaugh (actually, if you looked at Rush Limbaugh), you would start to feel very nervous, your palms may sweat and you would feel anxious, nauseous and faint.

3. Logophobia – How does one with this phobia communicate? Through smoke signals? The Morris Code?

4. Ailurophobia – Of course! They will steal your breath while you sleep. Well not really, but I think they know something and aren’t telling us just to be mean.

5. Papaphobia – I can see why some have a fear of the current one of these. He looks like he’ll gobble up your soul. Chills man.

6. Oneirogmophobia – By the number of stiff towels and socks in my teenaged sons’ rooms when they were growing up, this was definitely not a phobia of theirs!

7. Paralipophobia – Although this could have been. And George W. Bush’s as well.

8. Consecotaleophobia – But, but… What do you stick in your nose while you’re waiting for your sushi to arrive?

9. Emetophobia – It’s a weird one, and I have it. If someone does this around me, I am not just grossed out, I am panicked and I have a morbid fear of doing it myself.

10. Chlorophobia – Maybe this would explain why someone of you hate cilantro so much. I guess you also hate leprachans and Kermit the Frog. I wouldn’t doubt it.

11. Vestiphobia – It seems as most of us have this phobia by the looks of our Friday and Saturday night OTs. Especially that of the pants variety.

12. Coprastasophobia – I would tell this type of phobic to eat Taco Bell for dinner followed by coffee and a cigarette. Works for me every time. Oh and do not travel, it’s a sure fire way to get the red light.

13. Epistemophobia – So do you think this is what is wrong with some of the members of the GOP?

14. Octophobia – I can’t imagine not watching figure skating with all of their gloriously dandy outfits, during the Winter Olympics, but a person with this phobia would not be able to.

15. Hellenolgo – A person with this phobia would not want to read this post. Or order a gyro.

How did you do?

15. Greek terms 14. The figure eight 13. Knowledge 12. Constipation 11. Clothing 10. The color green 9. Vomit 8. Chopsticks 7. Responsibility 6. Wet Dreams 5. The Pope 4. Cats 3. Words 2. Ugliness 1. Wine

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