Class Superlatives of the 1980’s

As head of the yearbook committee, I have compiled the votes for our “best of’s” in the class of 1980s. It was a memorable ten years that have taught us much.

They taught us how to party serious, screw with abandon, or not, because we’ve learned it’s also okay to be a virgin. We have learned that it doesn’t matter what side of the tracks you come from, deep inside, we all want the same things. We have fought to dance and not turn out like our parents. We have nearly been killed by masked drowned psychos that have come back to life, our dreams have been haunted by disfigured pedophiles and we have been saved by a famous superhero. We have been chased by neo maxi  zoom dweebies and thrift store wearing loners, that turned out to be not so bad after all. Our hearts have been broken by rich preppy guys and insecure, popular girls. So much has happened in these ten years, it’s hard to remember it all.

Class Clowns

John Winger, Stripes & Judy Benjamin, Private Benjamin

What is it with Army misfits that makes them so hilarious?




Most Talented

The Kidd, Purple Rain

His soundtrack did sell 20 million copies worldwide after all.




Most Inspiring Transformation

Allison Reynolds, The Breakfast Club

She walks into detention as a Captain Crunch and sugar sandwich eating basket-case. Claire takes a brush to her hair and adds a little make-up to her face and voila! Allison is transformed and nabs the sensitive jock.

Biggest Bad Ass

Ripley, Aliens

Two-time last woman standing, this woman knows how to kick some alien ass. Mostly.




Most likely to stay in Friend Zone

Duckie Dale, Pretty In Pink

He serenaded, well lip sank, Try a Little Tenderness, in the ultimate display of romance to his unrequited love Andie. Sadly Duckie will forever remain in the friend zone. He’s just too available and too safe.



John Ryder, The Hitcher

This guy just keeps showing up, you can’t escape him. When will the horror end!


Most Beautiful

Elvira Hancock-Montana, Scarface

Drug addicted, but gorgeous.




Biggest Jerk

Chett Donnelly, Weird Science

This relentless bully tormented his brother’s drunk friend with “a nice greasy pork sandwich served in a dirty ashtray.” However, turning him into a big steaming pile of poo was an excellent retaliation.



Biggest Mean Girl

Marquise de Merteuil, Dangerous Liaisons

Her mean girl motives are hidden behind a facade of a virtuous woman. She will avenge anyone who wronged her in the past. In other words, don’t fuck with this lady.


Best Body

Julian Kaye, American Gigilo & Annie Savoy, Bull Durham

His ass and her legendary EVERYTHING! That’s all.



Most Misunderstood

 Beth Jarrett, Ordinary People

She wasn’t the cold, distant mother that those who first meet her assume her to be. Tragedy has forced her to repress her worry and sadness. All she wanted to do was restore her family to the way it was.


Best Villian

The Joker, Batman

Hilariously psychotic.





Most Likely to Succeed

Everyone from The Big Chill, except maybe Nick.

These baby boomers who protested in the name of peace and love in the sixties, built their fortunes in the eighties and now fight to keep their tax breaks and loopholes in order to keep their standing as the one percent.



Prom King

Jake Ryan, Sixteen Candles

Hot and nice. A rare combo in an eighties flick.




Prom Queen

Shelby Eatenton Latcherie, Steel Magnolias

The perfect Southern Belle. Sweet, feisty and then she (spoiler alert) dies.


Top photo: Flickr

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