A very special thank you to Ornery Babe and Cletar who helped put this endorsement together.
Listen, if Michael Bloomberg can take time out from hurricane recovery to endorse a Presidential candidate, it’s only fair for the wise and occasionally sober scribes of Crasstalk to do the same.
Admittedly, the path to this Election Day has been long-six years long for one candidate, in fact. The cost, has been excessive-more than $2.5 billion, to be precise. And on the eve of that election, through the speeches, the conventions and the ads-Good God- the ads, we must decide between two men for the opportunity to occupy the White House for the next four years.
Who do we, the brilliant minds at Crasstalk, believe best to lead this nation through the next four years of corporate pillaging?
Frankly, it should surprise no one that the blog endorses Barack Obama’s bid to hold onto the office of the Presidency for the next four years. While many erstwhile progressives have chafed at a number of things about the President over the past four years, it is undeniable that President Obama has done a number of things that stand to benefit the populace at large-expanding the availability of health care, ending DADT, and signing into law at least a modicum of financial reform- that stand in stark contrast to the promise of decreased rights for women, gays and minorities and the unleashing of the full avarice of unfettered capitalism that a Mitt Romney led administration would undoubtedly usher in.
Frequently, it has been suggested that both candidates are engaging in campaigns that feed on the fear of the other side, and it is tempting to couch an endorsement of one candidate or another in that fear. However, it is undeniable that the President has made a positive case for a second term in the way that he has offered, almost to a fault, to work with Republicans, often ceding ground without being pressed to so.
Sometimes, our politics can be extremely complex, nuanced operations. Other times, the choices we face are stark and simple. The 2012 Presidential election presents a clear example of the latter scenario. Despite the protestations of some, progress is as inevitable as the passage of time, and only Barack Obama seems positioned in a way that moves the country forward in a way that benefits a greater number of our fellow citizens.
Romney will cede his agenda to the Teapublicans should he capture the White House, in an effort to demonstrate his “severely conservative” bona fides. Paul Ryan will almost certainly have an influential role in a Romney White House – he’ll have a real opportunity to make his frightening budget a reality – and will do far more than attend state funerals.
The combination of these Wonder Twins running the country would have a devastating impact upon the middle class. Concessions will be granted to the alleged job creators at the expense of the poor and the middle class. Romney will appoint Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade and other privacy safeguards guaranteed by the Constitution. In order to avoid what would surely be a rolling calamity, the country must re-elect Barack Obama.