Daily Archives: October 25, 2012

6 posts

Project Runway All-Stars Season 2 Episode 1 Liveblog

Did you miss us, darlings?

Right on the heels of a rather tepid season of Project Runway comes Project Runway: No Tim, Heidi, or Nina! Actually, it’s Project Runway: All-Stars…or the people who were comedy/drama magnets during their season. Either way, Lifetime hopes that you’ll find this batch of sewtestants intriguing enough to endure Yoplait and Activiaaaaaaaaa! commercials and promos for the next White Woman In Danger movie starring Rob Lowe. Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Bullying

Right now Gawker has a post up about a 15-year-old Staten Island girl who committed suicide after essentially being slut-shamed by her high school football team. As is becoming the macabre norm, the young girl took to Twitter leaving hints of her state of mind before carrying out the act two days later. “I cant, im done, I give up,” she said. What is going on? And why does it seem like “bullying” has taken on a whole new genesis in the last two decades? Continue reading