Super Squats Challenge

Hello, friends. I’m your Super Squats Challenge girl. Are you tired, run down, listless? Do you poop out at parties? Are you unpopular? The answer to all your problems is to do jumping lunges!

Here we are, more than half way through the challenge. Now that Halloween is upon us, we are entering the most dangerous time of year. When the candy bowls come out filled with mini candy bars, leftover pumpkin shaped frosted cookies from your co-worker’s weekend bake-fest appear in the office lounge, and booze flows freely in celebration of the season. Your workout routine starts to fall off because of all the shopping and parties and next thing you know, it’s January 1st and you’ve gained a few extra pounds. WELL LET’S NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!

The lunges can be done any time, anywhere, so there are no excuses. Do it in the kitchen when you’re waiting for oven to warm for the Hello Dolly bars. Or between stirring the chili for your Halloween block party. Or even while your child is bobbing for apples and not coming up for air (she’ll be fine).

Where were came from and where we are:
First 30 days: Increase number of lunges from baseline by 25%
Second 30 days: Do a full minute of lunges
Third 30 days: Do full minute of lunges 2-3 times a week.
YOU ARE HERE—–>Fourth 30 days: Do full minute and 30 seconds of lunges 2-3 times a week.<—–
Fifth 30 days: Do two full minutes of lunges 2-3 times a week.

You can do this! Here’s Halle Berry as Catwoman for your inspiration (and lay off the candy corn)!

Warnings! (as required by the Crasstalk law firm of Ham, Berger & Fryz):
1. This is a very explosive movement. Keep your front knee behind your front ankle. To do otherwise stresses your knee and will cause an injury.
2. This is not a race against the clock. Go slowly. Keeping proper form is key; not how many you can do in the allotted time.
3. Consult a physician, physical therapist or trainer before starting this exercise, especially if you have any kind of back or knee injury.

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