Daily Archives: September 7, 2012

8 posts

Radio Crass: A Not-At-All Biased Talk About the Democratic National Convention

Programming Note: GI and I have agreed that, while we will need to keep touching election topics in the near future, we do want to diversify the content as we go through this process. This would be you, the reader/listener’s cue to put in your two cents as to what would make a good topic. Hell, you can even ask to join us.

Continue reading

Ann Romney and Michelle Obama’s Convention Hair Styles – Let’s Hair it for America!

These last two weeks have been filled with the conventions for America’s two most prominent political parties. Full of…we’ll call it pomp and circumstance, this is the time when each party puts on a show. It’s also the time diehard true believers of each party get to show their stars and stripes. But let us focus on what is important – how to look like a politician’s wife! Continue reading

‘Passed Out Juggalos’ Is the Last Good Reason to Have a Facebook Account

Juggalo passed out at gathering of the juggalos

It turns out that Facebook isn’t just a vast wasteland of cat photos and status updates about going to the gym. It can also be used for useful shit, like taking pictures of stoned people when they pass out at the annual Faygo-and-bath-salts party known as the Gathering of the Juggalos.

This post is slightly NSFW… because really people, these are Juggalos we’re talking about.  Continue reading