I guess most everyone has a place they can call their hometown. Except maybe if you were a military kid and your parents moved around a lot, or if they were on the lam (which wouldn’t surprise me with some of you).
So today, go and scour the Google and the Bing (Bing, ha, that’s funny) for pics of wherever it was you spent your formative years. Or wherever it is that has some fond memories of your restless youth. Extra points for really old pics of the place, and more extra points if you tell us about where it was and what it was like. Type in a year you remember, and see what comes up (e.g. “East Bumfuck, 1983”).
Above, the Capitol theater in Rome, NY, where I spent many Saturday and Sunday afternoons lost in a double feature. I actually did see “Airport” there. This pic is circa 1970, during what was then “Honor America Days.”
Rome has lots of history, but I found this somewhere on the net: “According to The Encyclopedia of New York, in 1871, Prof. C.C. Coe of Rome landed his hot air balloon in downtown Syracuse’s Clinton Square — a scene likely witnessed by L. Frank Baum, who would later write about a similar episode in his classic, The Wizard of Oz.” That sounds like a bit of a stretch, but one of the Baum brothers did have a factory in Rome that produced some sort of machine oil or something like that.
Your turn. Go home.
How to Post Pics:
1) If you want to use a pic from your computer, you’ve got to first upload it to the web. Click on either of these links: imgur or tinypic. Follow the directions to upload.
2) After the upload, you’ll see various links for your pic. Copy the direct link; you want the one that ends in .jpg
3) Come back here. Type this exact code (including the brackets and quotation marks) into the “Post A New Comment” box: <img src=“ ” /> and paste your direct link in between the quote marks. There should be a space between img and src (img src), but otherwise, no spaces between anything.
4) It should look like this: <img src=”http//www.yourphotodirectlink.jpg” /> Make sure to include those brackets.
5) If you’re using a photo already on the web: Right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image” or “Copy Image URL/Location.” Copy-and-paste the URL and use the <img src=“ ”> code above.
Image via the official website of the Rome Capitol Theater.