All hail, Cowthulhu! Or, you know, don’t. Happy Friday, Crasstalkers! You survived another week on planet Earth. Congratulations. If you would like to nominate a comment for Comment of the Week (COW), please take a screenshot of it and send it to me: crasstalkcow at gmail. If it’s a long thread, just screenshot the first comment or two and send that, but always remember to tell me what post or OT the comment(s) come from. Are you ready to relive the week? Neither am I, but let’s do it anyway. Hit the jump for my roundup of the week’s posts and your Comment of the Week.
Remains of the Day
BadKarma asked you what GIF you’d be in PhotoPhriday. Jarrod’s blind items are here.
You wished Lord Bots a happy birthday.
Launie K. shared a recipe for spicy greek yogurt chicken kabobs. Delta Sierra asked if you belong to a book club. You people aren’t going to be satisfied until someone is literally murdered because of a book club. Homoviper shared a mix to play during your weekend barbecue. Later, Clarity83 hosted the Mad Men open thread.
Memorial Day
Cunning_Linguist hosted the Mad Men post mortem. Delta Sierra asked for your best Memorial Day stories. Lauren deconstructed Sunday’s Game of Thrones.
Printersanonymous recapped another episode of Shahs of Sunset. MonkeyBiz’s political links are here. Jarrod’s blind items are here. In the OT, one of you experienced some workplace frustration.
MonkeyBiz’s political links are here. Knight of the Burning River shared further evidence of why RMoney would make a terrible president. DogsOfWar showed you what Google says about RMoney and Obama. Bbqcornnuts told you how to get revenge on annoying parents. Jarrod’s blind items are here. In the OT, one of your favorite topics came up: online dating.
GtCosita assured you that NASA is not working on a wrinkle cure. DogsOfWar told you about Catlandia. Momof3 asked if you prefer the beach or the pool. Lauren took a look at the new Jay-z/Kanye video. Jarrod’s blind items are here. MonkeyBiz’s political links are here. Lauren explained why King Bloomberg’s attack on soft drink freedom would not go unchallenged. In the OT, another mix of your favorite topics came up: sex and parenting.
MonkeyBiz’s political links are here. Corn asked about your secret shame. Dürer’s Rhino melted your brainwax with Ten Photos. Lauren tried to kill Siri.
High school reunions. Does anyone enjoy these things? I guess. Maxichamp has one coming up and doesn’t want to provide the same stupid, boring biographical blurb that everyone comes up with. Does anyone have any suggestions? This is Crasstalk–of course they do. I give you your Comment of the Week.