Yesterday, you guys came up with some really great potential names for the retired hipster. So good, in fact, we should probably take it to a vote. We wouldn’t want those former hipsters wandering around aimlessly without a name would we?
Actually, they would probably totally say something like, “What’s in a name, man?” At any rate, there could be perks, you know? Maybe not like those senior citizen discount perks, or whatever one gets when they show their AARP or Diner’s Club cards, but surely in the future, if a former hipster can show that they are a card-carrying member of the (to be voted on new name) demographic at the very least they should be able to rack up points for a free mesclun salad, a fabulous new hoodie/bathrobe, or a pair of support leggings in fun alternative designs? Right? Right.
I know you’re thinking, “Well, since our great commenters replied with such wonderful suggestions, what would one win if their name were to be selected?” Fantastic question. Truly. Well, let’s see. Since there’s really no money to be won, or favors to be traded, or even edible confections to be awarded, the winner will get our undying appreciation, be named the cleverest hipster namer ever, and written down in the Crasstalk Annals of Awesome (this doesn’t actually exist) which won’t get you very much in real life, especially since everyone who participated is pretty dang awesome for doing so. (Oprah voice, “You Get A Car! “You Get A Car!”) Good enough? Stupendous! I thought so. So enough talking about “things” and “issues” not even in an “ironic” way. Let’s get to voting. Don’t forget to hit “Done” at the end!
The winner will be announced on Monday, January 30th.
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