Daily Archives: January 9, 2012

4 posts

Do Not Flirt with Cops when You Have an Outstanding Warrant

On Sunday a San Francisco man saw a uniformed police officer in a police car whom he was smitten with and attempted to chat her up. The 26 year old man seemingly casually walked up to the patrol car and talked to the two officers in the car making it clear he was interested romantically. The officer told him she was already taken but asked his name. He gave his name and as he was walking away she ran it through the system and found he had a no-bail warrant for rape.

He was arrested and booked on the warrant. Source: SF Gate

Obvious Things You Shouldn’t Do If You’re a Celebrity

On Saturday night the world was gifted a precious soul. One chosen to possibly lead the world out of rampant darkness. It is she who will make us mere mortals stop and consider what the outcome of our lives would and could be, for without her ethereal light, the continued downward spiral of man will not lapse. She will be the bringer of peace and joy, and become the protector of legions of humans on this wasteoid piece of rock we call Earth — or she’ll just be a celebrity’s kid and we’ll all watch while the paparazzi covers her wardrobe, birthday parties, and days out with mom that include the tagline “Beyoncé and Blue! They’re Just Like Us!” Seriously, it will be either world domination or photo ops at Build-A-Bear. Continue reading

The Media is Bored of This Whole ‘GOP Primary’ Thing

Pity the poor American media. Forced to still cover six different ‘contenders’ for the Republican Presidential nomination, when they could be working to sharpen the alleged differences between a moderate-Republican-turned-frothing conservative-who-will-tack-back-to-the-middle as soon as he gets the nomination and an allegedly liberal-but-not-on-pretty-much-every-issue President, it was only a matter of time before the media would run out of patience for this whole exercise of ‘democracy’ and ‘primaries’.

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