Monthly Archives: November 2011

215 posts

Mitt Romney Needn’t Say a Word

If we were to all give Mitt Romney advice right now, it would certainly be to just keep his mouth shut. Yawr, seriously. The last seventy-two hours have been a doozy for fellow presidential hopefuls Herman Cain and Rick Perry. And the one guy who’s probably the most happy about it all has got to be Mittens. Can you say “sitting in the catbird seat?”

Let’s find out why.

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Rahm Emanuel: Public (Library) Enemy Number One

Oh hey, Chicagoans. How’s it going? Did you know that your sexy mayor plans to slash your public library’s budget, with plans to lay off about a third of your city’s librarians and paraprofessional library staff and reduce hours at most of the library’s 78 locations by eight hours a week? Yeah, that’s part of his plan to close Chicago’s $646 million budget deficit.

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Book Review: Manvotionals by Brett and Kate McKay

If you take your cues from the supermarket magazine aisle, manliness is pretty easy. Spend a few days browsing the selection and you’ll learn all about how you, too, can have ripped abs, a ripped chest, and ripped legs. You’ll be able to run faster at the track, lift more weight on the bench, and bike up mountains in no time. You’ll learn how to buy the perfect suit, cook the perfect meal, and be the perfect lover. But is a superficial checklist all it takes to be manly? Brett and Kate McKay, the authors of The Art of Manliness – Manvotionals: Timeless Wisdom and Advice on Living the 7 Manly Virtues, think manliness runs a bit deeper than having killer quads and looking great at the beach. Continue reading