Daily Archives: November 20, 2011

5 posts

American Music Awards Liveblog!

Tonight all of music’s greats will come out to win a large pyramid and maybe warble a few tunes live. We’ll forget that the AMA’s are sort of like the boring cousin of the music industry. You love them sort of, but really you want to put your finger in its ear and call it lame. Anyhoo! There will be a Katy Perry pink cupcake person! Justin Bieber, twelve year-old singer and former accused baby daddy, will Christmas everyone with song! Nicki Minaj probably wearing a windmill on her assets will do that thing she does! Should be fun or a disaster!

Let’s get drunk on Sunday night! This is the American Music Award code name. Red carpet 7-8pm Est. Live show from 8-11pm Est.

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Purple is Back (And I’m On Board if I Can Call it Plum)

Gosh, I hate to be the “I told you so” girl. Wait, no I don’t. I LOVE being her. Anyway, I predicted it, okay? Purple is rolling back into your lives on the everywhere scale.

Here is the thing about purple that I have learned; for people who love it, it never goes out of style. They are the purple people, and they started their love affair with it long ago in a land of Polly Pockets and My Little Ponies. F’real. It is a magical colour to many.  Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Homemade Green Bean Casserole

Yay! It’s Thanksgiving week! To me Thanksgiving is the best holiday. There’s just food, libations and very little pressure. Sure you want the food to be delicious, but that’s as demanding as inviting friends or family over for dinner in general. And although there are staples that everyone expects, it’s fun to throw a curve ball in every once in awhile. In this case, the curve ball is making a staple much, much, better than the original. Continue reading