Well hello there my droogs. As promised, and because you’ve been such good little nerds and nerdettes, I’ve collected up bits and pieces of news that came out of Comicon this weekend. But wait, there’s more! I couldn’t just start up a weekend edition that was more of the same great article you receive during the week. What fun would that be? So, let’s give a hearty NNR welcome to the brand new TV section! Considering all the sci-fi and fantasy programming hitting the airwaves this fall, it only makes sense. This weekend, Snow White gets serious, The Man In Black voices his concerns, Cable isn’t dead and a horror icon returns in this special Weekend Edition of the Nerd News Roundup!
- September 27 equals mutant… mayhem, madness, massacre. There’s gonna be a mess of them come September.
- Isn’t Code Veronica the one with the odd-voiced dandy for a villain? I hope the HD version includes a powered wig and a harpsichord.
- Well this actually makes a little sense, all things considered.
- Well SOMEONE has to fill that oft-overlooked “ridiculously weaponized and questionably muscled” comic demographic.
- Awww, so you mean people actually had something better to do than protest a comic book company’s systematic “reboot” of everything?
- Just pray it isn’t “Sex in the City meets Mother Goose.”
- Rest easy, citizens of Who-ville, Amy will be back.
- One word: Beardog.
- It’s a metaphor.
- Speaking of which, Dude.
- You know what was missing from Snow White? Joan of fucking Arc, that’s what.
- Here are your team posters for the cinematic lineup of the Avengers. No surprises here.
- The Avengers’ leader assembled $65.8 million domestic. Pretty super.
CC image by Ramen Junkie on Flickr, edited and remixed by MrAnansi on Crasstalk