Daily Archives: June 14, 2011

14 posts

Why Unlocked iPhones are Good for Consumers and Apple

Today Apple began selling unlocked iPhone 4 phones in the Apple Store. I’m not an industry insider and certainly no fan-boy but that’s not going to stop me from shooting my mouth off about this. Lance Ulanoff over at pcmag.com took a very strong stance that Apple will NOT do this and his reason is simply: “Apple isn’t stupid. Well I beg to differ and we now know just how wrong he was.

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Updated: How Long Before the ‘Weining’ Meme Gets Started?

Much like memes that have gone before it, like the most recent planking absurdity, it seems inevitable a ‘Weining’ meme will begin. I can just imagine it, can’t you? Since it’s been uncovered that Rep. Anthony Weiner has a cock shot in his bedroom, in his bathroom possibly, and now the House gym…where else do you think Weiner cock shots will turn up? Maybe on a boat! Maybe in Central Park! A Weiner on a field trip! Perhaps he’ll unveil his “Cock on the hood of a car” shot, or his “Cock in a sock” shot, or even his “Cock in a cockpit” shot. There’s just no telling where the Weiner cock will end up. Oops, wait. Look, there it is on a hibachi grill at a Japanese steak house! I bet this catches on. I bet it does. Oh, Weiner, you just give us new levels of lowness everyday. To some bored fifteen year-old, though, you’re probably a God.

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