Daily Archives: June 12, 2011

6 posts

Own a Piece of Movie History

Debbie Reynolds has spent much of her career being a wonderful actress and the subject of her daughter, Carrie Fisher’s, rants. She has also spent fifty years collecting some of the most iconic pieces of movie history, in hopes of having a museum for all to enjoy them. Well, Hollywood doesn’t care about history and apparently no one is interested in building a place for sweaty tourists to shuffle through in their flip-flops, gawking open-mouthed at Charlie Chaplin’s hat or Marilyn’s white hot dress from The Seven Year Itch. So, Reynolds will auction off everything in her 5000 item collection, called Profiles in History, over the course of ten days, beginning on June 18, 2011. Review the catalog of impressive items here, and then buy a little something for yourself.

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Nutty Gossip Links

Bette! Why’d you do it, Bette?

And why’d you leave the body in my apartment?

Sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph on a Tapdancing Donkey, I’m never, ever, ever, ever, ever, EVER, EVER, EVEREVER getting the bloodstains out of the Isfahan. Even Martha Stewart can’t help with this one: I asked. No, she’s a doll, she’d help if she could. Something about parole conditions and abetting a felony. GOD! Why must The Man keep her bound and gagged with red tape? They hate her because she’s a strong woman.

Bette, baby, honey, sweetie, I’m imploring you. Can’t you help me get these bloodstains out?

No, of COURSE I’m not implying that you as a persun of femininity must be relegated to dreary and unfulfilling housework: I was wondering if any of your other ghehs had a cleaning fetish. Continue reading

Get Your Cicada Ice Cream Here!

An ice cream shop in Columbia, Missouri decided to take lemons and make lemonade. Or rather, take cicadas and make ice cream. Sparky’s Homemade Ice Cream shop in Columbia tried a new take on seasonal flavors: brown sugar, chocolate cicadas. The shop’s employees gathered the cicadas from their back yards, removed the wings, boiled the bugs and then covered them in brown sugar and chocolate before adding them to brown sugar and butter flavored ice cream. The ice cream sold out immediately. But the party-pooper local health officials stepped in and advised Sparky’s to stop using the insects in food. Cicadas are actually a good source of protein. I guess if you can drive to McDonald’s and get a Big Mac, then you shouldn’t be allowed to eat a bug. Boooooo!
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