John Edwards to be Indicted for Breaching Campaign Finance Laws

Shamed former vice presidential nominee and John Kerry running mate John Edwards will likely be indicted within two weeks by federal prosecutors investigating allegations that during his run for the 2008 presidency Edwards solicited campaign donations for the express purpose of trying to pay-off a woman he was having an affair with. Well we all know how that ended.

You’re all probably quite familiar with how things rapidly fell apart for Edwards in 2008, bowing out of the presidential race in February and then having his sordid affair brought to light in July by the National Enquirer. By August he was appearing on 20/20 admitting to an affair with campaign videographer Rielle Hunter but denying he was the father of her child, despite the fact that a National Enquirer reporter had caught him unawares visiting mother and child at the Beverly Hilton Hotel the previous month.

Now the Justice Department has signaled, after a 2 year investigation, that they are prepared to allow prosecutors to go forward with their case against Edwards. The prosecution’s main witness appears to be former Edwards campaign aide Andrew Young, who was in on the cover up from the beginning; according to Young he helped Edwards solicit  billionaire widow Rachael “Bunny” Mellon for money to keep Hunter silent and then brought her to live with him and his wife. When Hunter gave birth Young claimed paternity was his.

Edwards has the choice of trying to reach some kind of plea bargain or taking his chance at trial. If found guilty he faces felony charges and significant jail time. Edwards’ only hope of being able to practice law again is if he is found innocent in a trial, something which could happen as the prosecution has to be able to prove that the donations were intended specifically to fund the cover up.

Sources: ABC, Slate, CBS, Newsobserver.

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