Daily Archives: April 23, 2011

5 posts

Gulag’s Heavy Metal Round-Up

Welcome one and all.  I finally decided to show a little initiative and come up with an actual post for the site, as opposed to the usual random snarky comments & YouTube videos that I am (not) famous for.  And to think, my high school guidance counselor said I wouldn’t amount to anything in life.  WHO’S LAUGHING NOW, MRS. DWYER?  I AM, BECAUSE THIS EPISODE OF ‘SANFORD & SON’ THAT I’M WATCHING IS HI-LARIOUS.  As you can see from the title above, today’s article will be about music.  Specifically, metal.  Now I realize a lot of you may not exactly be the biggest fans of the genre, but I hope that you will give the following songs at least one listen.  If you really like what you hear, I also have a music blog where I post albums daily, from all sorts of genres.  You can find the link for the site in my profile.
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When Should A Kid Be Allowed To Die?

I want to start by saying the case of  Baby Joseph is heartbreaking.

This little boy, only fifteen months old, is suffering from a terminal illness. He’s going to die. His Canadian doctors said if the boy was taken off a ventilator at at his most recent hospitalization, he would die. Those doctors refused to perform a tracheotomy on him. So the parents started asking doctors in the US for help. The Children’s Hospital in Detroit was among those that said no. SSM Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center in Saint Louis said yes.
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Chewy Gossip That Proves Even Celebrities Eat

Did you miss me? Sorry to miss you on Wednesday, but I was down with a bout of food poisoning. That’ll teach ME to eat things that haven’t been deep-fried.

No, seriously, nothing can live through deep-frying. FACT. If you eat only deep-fried foods, you will not die of food poisoning, I promise. You will, however, need a larger coffin than if you eat only salads.
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It’s Easter for Swedish Witches!

The Easter holiday in Sweden is different, to say the least.  Small children (girls and boys) get dressed up as påskkärringar (Easter witches, or bitches) on Easter Eve (the Saturday afternoon after Good Friday). They dress in old worn out clothes, cover their heads with scarves or old dishtowels, put on exaggerated ugly face makeup, and visit family members or neighbors in the hopes of getting some candy or coins in exchange for giving out a Good Easter card or sometimes a small drawing they made. It’s a bit similar to what Halloween is like here in the US.
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Saturday Open Thread: The Doctor is IN

Some of you are aware that I’ve become slightly obsessed* with Doctor Who in the last month and a half or so (thanks MP! Mwah!).

Well, guess what? THE SEASON 6 PREMIERE OF DOCTOR WHO IS TONIGHT! BBC America is running an all-day marathon of season 5 (which I believe started 3 hours ago), Matt Smith’s first as the Doctor. If you’re a fan, tune in for a referesher. If you’re not and you’re willing to admit you’re a nerd, give it a go. Though it’s probably more satisfying to start from the first season of the rebooted series, the fifth season was written to bring in new viewers so you shouldn’t have too hard a time picking things up. In much sadder news, actress Elisabeth Sladen–who played the Third and Fourth Doctor’s companion Sarah Jane Smith in the ’70s–died of cancer on Tuesday. She last appeared on the show in 2008, reprising her role as Sarah Jane with David Tennant’s Doctor. She will be missed.
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