It’s Easter for Swedish Witches!

The Easter holiday in Sweden is different, to say the least.  Small children (girls and boys) get dressed up as påskkärringar (Easter witches, or bitches) on Easter Eve (the Saturday afternoon after Good Friday). They dress in old worn out clothes, cover their heads with scarves or old dishtowels, put on exaggerated ugly face makeup, and visit family members or neighbors in the hopes of getting some candy or coins in exchange for giving out a Good Easter card or sometimes a small drawing they made. It’s a bit similar to what Halloween is like here in the US.

Sweden is an ancient country and has lots of superstitions and this is one of them. On Maundy Thursday the witches were thought to fly on brooms to go to Blåkulla and party with Satan for a few days, and then return that Saturday before Easter. Bonfires (especially if you live out in the country) and shooting off fireworks are also common during this time, to protect your home against the witches while they are out and about, as their powers are believed to be stronger during this time.

“Glad Påsk” everyone, if you celebrate it.

I am hoping to share more unusual holidays around the world as I find them.  If you have any ideas please share them in the comments, or write about them yourself if you prefer!


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