
36 posts


French 75

Crasstalk Cocktails: French 75

The holidays are once again upon us so it’s an appropriate time to get your festive on.

The first time I ever had a French 75 was Christmas Eve a few years ago. The effervescence of the Champagne really opened up the juniper pine notes of the gin and the drink just smelled of Christmas. A good friend was behind the bar and was determined to make sure we were all as mirthful as possible – mission accomplished. Continue reading

Share Your Holiday Recipes

worfsgiving2 The time of the foodening is at hand! Gorge on the flesh of big dumb birds! Eat weird crap your mom makes once a year! Pretend the pie your weird co-worker brings to the holiday potluck is not repulsive! If you have any good recipes, or cooking stories, share them. I’ll start us off with a cranberry bread recipe. Continue reading