
59 posts
NotSoDeepSouth resides in the jewel encrusted buckle of the Bible Belt, which is Dallas, Texas. He's often wrong but seldom uncertain about anything. Find him at twitter, gmail and google+

How I Dropped out of High School and into a Cult

I never did this

I’ve given up trying to explain what it is I do when asked at a family reunion or some other social engagement. I’ve seen too many eyes glaze over and I won’t responsible for another person slipping into a coma while I try to explain Jboss, Tomcat and Apache. Most people are surprised to learn that I didn’t attend a four year university, nor in fact did I ever graduate High School. Many are even further shocked to learn I actually went to Bible College. Continue reading

Backyard Fantasies Brought to You by SkyMall

I have been consumed by the process of buying a house. This is my first time, so I was hoping it would all go easy on me, like it did when I was 15. But no. There’s been no large bottle of Jergens nor any friendly strangers. It’s been all Rodents on Treadmills, Circular Obsessive Thinking and, to top it all off, someone actually handed me a flyer tonight with the following quotation:

Anxiety is that range of distress which attends willing what cannot be willed.

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Michael Stipe Hasn’t Heard of the Kinsey Scale

“On a sliding scale of sexuality I’d place myself around 80-20, but I definitely prefer men to women,” the 51-year-old musician says. “I had sex with, and enjoyed sex with, women until I met someone that I fell in love with, and who is now my boyfriend. That’s the only real news in the last 12 years, but when it’s a slow news day I get dragged out of some closet again.”

I’m going to file this under sour grapes since Out of Time was the first compact disc I ever owned. I’d have traded the shiny (and large) compact disc player I got with it for a role model growing up. The 90’s were rough – yo. The Kinsey Scale has been published since 1948 and has over time become the de facto standard for measuring the scope of human sexuality. Stipe’s 80% claim places him somewhere between a ‘Kinsey 4’ and a ‘Kinsey 5’. Michael Stipe Is 80% Gay [The Advocate]

Nick Denton Holds His Own as 34th Gay in America

I was recently on a plane bound for Panama City Beach, Florida and after working ceaselessly on my first post for Crasstalk, I decided it was time for a break from being so talented all the time. I put away my warm Macbook and got out the magazines. With me on this trip was the issue of Out for May 2011 which includes their list of the Top 50 most influential Gays. Imagine my surprise to find out Nick Denton is influential.
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Confessions of a Former Bill Collector

I’ve worn many hats. Often when I’m talking with co-workers I’ll begin to regale the crowd, as I begin to hold court, with tales from one or another of my previous career paths. With the exception of Sack Clerk and Dick Dancer (two very different fields – neither of which required any previous experience) none were as short lived as the time I spent as a Bill Collector. This is the story of Trent Walker, who is NOT a Texas Ranger. I was Trent Walker and he was a Bill Collector.

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Queen Elizabeth II Visits Ireland

Queen of England

I heard on NPR today the Queen is visiting Ireland. I know just enough to know this could be contentious so I turned up the radio, but alas I didn’t gleen much during my early morning drive to Starbucks (for grounds). So I’m home waiting for the pot to finish and I thought I’d do some quick research. Continue reading

Brazilian Court: Employee Allowed to Double-Click Her Mouse on Company Time

I suppose this was inevitable, but I’m more than a little upset that yet another landmark decision has been reached in a largely Catholic nation well before any such decision could be introduced in the Land of the Free.

After all, it’s been a big year for Brazil.

Ana Catarina Bezerra Silvares, a divorcee from the village of Vila Velha, Espírito Santo in Brazil, has sued and won a court ruling allowing her to perform self-help while on the job.

The ruling “enables her to masturbate for 15 minutes every two hours, [as well as] using the computer to see erotic images that stimulate her desire. She suffers from a rare condition [..] in the brain [..] which leads her to masturbate several times a day to relieve the deep anguish that it causes.”

I really wish I could muster some high dudgeon for you guys over this but I have to admit, I saw this one coming.

Bush Admits Eating French Food Before Obama’s Call

I’ve already been bored nearly to tears over the news about OBL. I can admit that I’m possibly understating its importance but I make no secret that I’m NotSoDeep. We recently ran a post on favorite Onion articles and I was sure to comment and add mine. So when I ran across this gem, I had to double-check that its source was a valid news outlet. (I’m gonna get crap for that, aren’t I?)
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How Did I Get This Scar?

I have a three-inch scar on the right side of my head from the top of where my ear meets my skull upwards. This wouldn’t be noticeable except for the fact that I also have pretty standard male pattern baldness and so I sport a fresh clean shaven head. The result is a hand carved seam down the right side of my head. I don’t see it everyday myself as it’s outside of my field of vision. When taking my photograph though I do request you only use my good side. This is in all my contracts – or rather it will be if you’ll just sign on this line here… and then initial here… Great, now here’s the story: Continue reading