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Stephen Colbert
Do you get celebrity crushes? I do. I love my celebrity crush for anywhere from one to six months and we have the steamiest, sometimes romantic interactions… in my mind. Then one day, they either wear an ugly shirt, tweet something stupid or I just grow bored with them and break up with them. Very dramatically of course… in my mind. Continue reading
Living in Florida is, how do I put this, interesting. On the one hand, I am 45 minutes away from the beach (Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean), I have access to tons of lakes, and there are tons of Latinos (my people!). On the other hand, you have Casey Anthony, the astronaut lady that drove for over 24 hours with an adult diaper on, and Rick Scott.
Rick Scott, our esteemed governor, has a 29% approval rating. He’s been in office for less than a year, and in his short tenure has cost the state over 100,000 jobs, high-speed rail funding, and any attempt to rein in urban sprawl.
Since Mr. Scott is so unpopular, I guess he’s been feeling lonely and unloved. So what did he do? He posted a letter on his website that you can copy/paste and send to the editors of your major (or hometown) newspapers, telling them what a swell guy Rick is. Continue reading