
141 posts

Recipe Sunday: Grits with Tomatoes, Arugula, and Smoked Sausage

While I was in Dallas about a month and a half ago, I discovered a delicious breakfast joint by the name of Ellen’s Southern Kitchen. I had breakfast there two out of four days, it was that good. Their motto is “Grits Rule”, and after trying their Poached Eggs and Grits, I had to agree. Once I got back home, I decided to try my hand at a dinner version of this dish. All it took was adding a little smoked sausage to transition from morning to evening fare. Serves 4. Continue reading

Fall Greens and Cauliflower Gratin

Recipe Sunday: Fall Greens and Cauliflower Gratin

There are some recipe ideas that get into your head and linger there like a constant daydream. For me it was the idea of putting greens and cauliflower together in a creamy cheese sauce. I was slammed with work and didn’t have the energy to get into the kitchen for awhile, but I promised myself that the first thing I’d make would be this dish.

And it was everything I’d hoped it would be. The top was crunchy, the filling was decadent. All in all, it was a delicious meal to enjoy with a glass of wine while the wind howled and rattled the windows. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Pico de Gallo

I got back from Dallas last night, where I spent the last five days eating all the tortilla chips, salsa, and guacamole that I could get my hands on; I am still craving pico de gallo! Even though pico seems like a very summery dish, it is a must have whenever you serve Mexican food. The key to this recipe is to make sure the ingredients have at least 30 minutes to “hang out” before you serve the pico. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Fall is in the air! Well, not in Central Florida, here it is currently 95° F and very humid. However, every once in a while, in the afternoon, I feel a cool breeze that tells me we have made it over the hottest part of the year hump, and we have cooler temperatures to look forward to. This means that we can go ahead and turn on our ovens and get to baking and roasting without feeling like we are living on the surface of the Sun. Continue reading

Recipe Sunday: Key Lime Pie

A few Sundays ago I shared a recipe for Strawberry Limeade Cake. The base for the custard filling is a great Key lime pie recipe. When I was researching to see if I could use regular old Persian limes instead of Key limes I discovered that the majority of Key limes come from Mexico, not the Florida Keys. I also figured out that the pie tastes delicious using Persian limes instead of Key limes without making any other changes. Continue reading