Oh, hey, munchkins. Let me play my broken record again. Your nominations make this post what it is so please please send them to me. Crasstalkers who are quick to blurt out “COW!” at every witty comment but then don’t also send a screenshot to me (and you know who you are) should kneel on broomsticks for one hour as punishment. Send me some nominations next week, okay? Great! Now let’s see what happened this week at Crasstalk!
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Crasstalk COW
Happy Friday, Crasstalkers! You had a busy week. You wrote many great posts, you welcomed some new refugees from Nick Denton’s burning empire and you had spirited arguments aplenty. Hit the jump to take a look at what went down this week, and I’ll also reveal your Comment of the Week. Continue reading
Happy Friday, munchkins. Do you have fabulous plans for the weekend? I hope so. I’m traveling north to Gillikin Country to visit a friend. Thank you so much for filling my inbox with nominations this week. You made me smile. Hit the jump, and let’s see what happened at Crasstalk this week.
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My inbox felt unloved and lonely this week, munchkins. (Thanks to the few of you who did email me.) When I abuse you, it hurts me more than it hurts you. So don’t make me abuse you. Send your bitch some COW noms next week, ‘kay? Now let’s take a look at this week’s happenings.
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Happy Friday, Crasstalkers. Let’s dive right in, shall we?
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Another eventful week at Crasstalk. I am very proud of you, munchkins, for not letting last night’s discussion(s) devolve into Thunderdome territory. Let’s see what else happened this week, shall we?
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Hello, munchkins. You didn’t send me many comments this week. Shame on you. Don’t make me bring the pain. You’ll be better next week, won’t you? Yes, you will. Okay, let’s streetwalk down memory lane a bit.
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Happy Friday, munchkins. Another week is gone in a flash. It’s March! That’s exciting, right? The vernal equinox is nearly here. Soon you’ll be springing your clocks ahead and pulling your coochie cutters out of the closet. First things first: let’s take a look back.
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Munchkins, you are exhausting. It was another tumultuous week here at Crasstalk. Fighting, flouncing, forgiving. Well, very little of that last one really. Here’s your Crasstalk COW, you wretched little beasts.
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It was cloudy with a chance of Thunderdome yesterday, but all things considered, you had a fairly good week, Crasstalkers. Hit the jump, and let’s have a look at who said what, when and why.
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