When I created Crasstalk.com on a whim one night late in 2010, I had no idea what it would become. All I knew was that we had an extended network of interesting people who all had a lot to say and wanted a new place to say it.
Ever since then, I’ve been continually amazed at just how important our authors, commenters and readers are to the growth of Crasstalk — and how important Crasstalk is to them.
Over the past year, The Grand Inquisitor, Dogs of War and I have spent a lot of time thinking about how we wanted to grow this amazing community. Our first goal was to put Crasstalk on a solid financial footing – those of you who donated to the site early made amazing contributions but that’s no way to run a website of this size. So we worked hard to drive enough revenue from advertising to support the site without detracting from the commenter experience. We’re certainly not getting rich anytime soon but we’re now earning enough revenue to keep the lights on and even have a little left over for development of new site features and new projects. Continue reading