
28 posts

Claim that Neutrinos Travel Faster than Light Highlights Need for Scientific Peer Review

So, a scientific study was published saying we had neutrinos that were moving faster than the speed of light.  That’s crazy right?  I mean, seriously, all we’re trying to say is that Einstein was full of crap.  If someone is going to try and change the way we think about fundamental physics, it’s got to  be reviewed by the best in the field.  Why else would journalists report on it?
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The Invisible Hand and Your New iPhone4S

If you’re going to be buying the iPhone 4S, it’s probably time to evaluate what kind of deal you’re going to get by signing a new contract.  With three carriers now, people actually have a choice if they want to get involved with Apple’s baller marketing/demon magic team.  Here’s a quick breakdown of the three carriers and who you should go with if you are free to choose. Continue reading

Reminiscing About First Love

It was magical the first time I saw you.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I still don’t know if perfection in such a form can exist.  Sure, you were older than me, but who wasn’t when I was 14? That didn’t matter. I was excited. You were always ready to take me somewhere new.  You were the epitome of beauty and sex. I will always remember my time with you fondly, with a twinge of remorse, and a longing for simpler times.  Continue reading