Welcome to Crasstalk. Hope you have had a good day. We haven’t had a scary stories post in a while so I thought it might be fun to do one tonight. So turn off the lights and let’s share our tales of the creepy, weird, or unexplained.
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adult ghost stories
Welcome to Crasstalk. Hopefully your week is going well and you are planning a nice evening. I feel like a little midweek cartoon action so here is some Space Ghost Coast to Coast.
Watch Space Ghost: Coast to Coast Episode 86 – Knifin’ Around (Thom Yorke, Bjork)
Watch Space Ghost: Coast to Coast Episode 88 – Sweet for Brak (Tenacious D)
Have a wonderful evening.
Hi Crasstalk. Hope you had a chance to have a little Friday night fun. Put on your jammies and let’s share a couple scary stories.
Have a great night.
Hello Vampires. Welcome to the late night open thread.
I am going to post a few good scary stories for you to think about before you surrender to the monsters under the bed.
First off, an educational film that explains why the Denver Airport is the center of evil:
Next we look at the threat posed by the elite New World Order:
I would be remiss if we did not have some information on the Reptilian threat:
Finally, I will leave you with the scariest Art Bell call ever.
Sleep well Crasstalkers.