Ornery Babe

15 posts
I am a news junkie who loves trash tv and the Weather Channel.

My 9/11 Experience

September 11, 2001 meant many things to many people.  When it occurred to me that I wanted to write something about that day, I had a hard time coming up with a subject that I felt I could confidently tackle within the confines of this space.  Should I address the war on “tear“, as Bush pronounces the word?  The discrimination imposed on Muslims?  How we started a war against a country that had nothing to do with the attacks based on faulty intelligence?

I had second thoughts on even writing about this subject at all.  Between the news this past Friday being all 9/11, all the time, and the round-the-clock Very Special Episodes of coverage on practically every channel, those doubts persisted.  The supposed “credible threat” about an attack on NY and DC on the tenth anniversary did nothing to ease the media frenzy.  I ultimately decided to just share what the day was like for me.  Continue reading

Jersey Shore Live Blog

‘Sup, guidos and guidettes?  Now I know you’ve been asking yourself, how can I celebrate all things tacky, gauche and wholly inappropriate?  Or bring out my inner slore?  Why, by joining the Jersey Shore live blog, that’s how!

Let’s get fresh to death, down some Limoncello shots, and do some good old fashioned fist-pumping.  No changing shirts till t-shirt time!  You remember the safe word, right?  You know, the one you yell out when you’ve had enough of Sitch cockblocking his one true love Pauly D?  Or when you’re DONE watching Deena make out with a girl in a desperate ploy for attention (which for Deena is Tuesday)?   You don’t?  Well, it sucks to be you. Continue reading