10 Reasons to Come See The Mardi Gras

mardi-gras-gotta-wii1Reasons I moved back to New Orleans included Mardi Gras, the food, the weather and being closer to my family. In just about that order. More than Christmas and almost more than my birthday, Mardi Gras is my favorite time of the year. It’s so magical that just about anything can happen. I’ve heard several stories of people who came for Mardi Gras and just never left. I don’t need any more reasons to be here, but just in case you do, here are 10 of them (not that there aren’t more).

10. It’s New Orleans. I really could just stop the list here, because you really don’t need any more reasons. There is something special about this city that cannot be described in words. You really must come here to truly understand it.

9. Weather. When I was living in Chicago, I made a point to come to New Orleans to escape the dreariness that is a Midwestern winter. Even when Mardi Gras is early, the weather is a significant improvement over snow and consistent below freezing temperatures of winter. And there is sun! So much vitamin D. And even when it rains, it’s never for very long.

8. Community. Pleasantries are said and meant. Good morning. Happy Mardi Gras. When someone asks you how you’re doing (or where y’at), they really mean it. How’s your mom and dem? Tell me. Need a hug? I’ll give you one.

One of my favorite Mardi Gras stories is this: I’m walking up St. Charles Avenue between parades with a few college friends (most of us are visitors at this point) and we come upon the lovely smell of a crawfish boil. One friend has a camera and when we stumble upon the house that is hosting the boil, she asks if she can take some pictures. Yes, the host says, and please have some of this. We politely decline, but he insists, so we stay for a few minutes and enjoy the boiled crawfish and sausage and potatoes and corn. I couldn’t even point that house out to you now, but that’s the spirit of Mardi Gras.

7. MusicThe marching bands in the parades are On Point. I always hope that if the parade stops I can be in earshot of the marching band getting its groove on. Not to mention every bar or club has a band playing every night. This is busy season for my musician friends who play around town.

6. Chewbaccus/’tit Rex/Krewe de Vieux. Not every parade is a big humongous production. Chewbaccus, ‘tit Rex (short for Petite because it’s a micro-krewe) and Krewe De Vieux are great examples of small parades where the floats are housed on grocery carts and the riders are on bikes or walking and the clean up crew is just a couple people with dustpans and garbage cans.

From our own PoBoyNation: “…that’s another thing I like about the small ones: they are bringing back the neighborhood aspects of Carnival that had been falling away for a long time, and especially since Katrina when everything but Endymion was shunted to the St. Charles route.  Downtown has its own vibe, and the little parades reflect that.

5. Families. Believe it or not Mardi Gras is a great place for families. Kids get all the good throws (i.e. beads, stuffed animals, etc.) and I have contemplated renting a kid so I can get some good stuff. It’s a great time to get together at Cousin John’s house because his momma and dem have a house a block of St. Charles and they’ll let us use their bathroom and crash on their couch.

4. Costumes. I am not a costume person at all. The last time I dressed up for Halloween I was 14 years old. But, I will dress up for Mardi Gras. Excuse me. I will costume for Mardi Gras. There are some great elaborate costumes around here on Mardi Gras Day. Even the simple ones are great.

mardi gras - crawfish
I love these little critters.

3. Food. Fried shrimp po’ boy, king cake, boiled crawfish and shrimp are just a few of my favorites. Especially king cake. I cannot get enough of it. I want to eat the good ones until I get sick. And the best part about it is that you can eat it any time of the day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, drunken snack. Nomnomnom.

2. You can drink in the streets. No silly open container law here for pedestrians. (Though keep your glass at home!) Bought a drink at the bar? Get a go cup at the door on your way out. We know you’re going to get drunk, no need to hide it here!

1. Spontaneity. One of my very good friends moved here about 10 days ago. This is probably the best time of the year to do this. Mardi Gras now, festival season shortly thereafter. I gave her one piece of advice – do whatcha wanna. While I might meet up with friends in a giant group, chances are we’ll break off and do different things as a smaller group. No time to get your panties in a bunch over the big group not wanting to do your thing. Bonus – you’ll probably get where you’re going and make some new friends.

My final throw take a few years ago.
My final throw take a few years ago.

Have I convinced you get in your gas car and go yet? Don’t need my reasons, so you’re coming anyway? Be sure to check out PoBoyNation’s 2013 post on How to do Mardi Gras like a local.

All photos courtesy clarity83.

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