Daily Archives: August 1, 2013

3 posts

From the Message Board to the Studio: Introducing Her Royal Harness

album_400Everyday on Crasstalk we reach out to each other, strangers from vastly different walks of life, people who live a couple miles or thousands of miles away, for a chat, for guidance, or a laugh. Sometimes those moments turn into a professional contacts, sometimes they turn into fun, shallow friendships, and, sometimes, on very rare occasions, those moments can turn into the most important relationship of your life.

That’s the wonderful side of the internet.

The not so wonderful side is comprised of the misunderstandings, the battles, and the nastiness that can spin totally out of control when people have the protection of anonymity. The places populated by people who would rather shout into a hole in a wall and proclaim their rightness or their horribleness just to make someone else feel small.

That’s the other side of the internet. Continue reading