Daily Archives: October 31, 2012

5 posts

The Sandstorm

On one of the innumerable field ops leading up to the order to cross the line of departure into Iraq, we ranged deep into the desert of Kuwait, farther yet than we had been.

By that point, we of the Comm Platoon were used to our assigned jobs; as soon as the vehicles stopped, we raced out of them and set up the antenna hill as quickly as humanly possible. We became very efficient over time with putting together and throwing up the 20-foot-tall OE antennas, breaking only one or two of the things per op. Continue reading

NFL 2012 – Midseason Prediction Review

TrophyWeek 8 is in the book and I thought instead of writing a recap of what happened during the week we’d take a look back at my crazy preseason predictions for the different divisions and see how I am doing for the year. I’ll be grading myself based on accuracy of the predictions in general. Also, the season isn’t over yet so I could have totally different grades at the end of the year.

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