If you’re not familiar with the wonderful little movie WALL-E get thee to a Netflix immediately. It is one of those heartwarming little Pixar movies full of expression and earnestness while subtly wrapped up in a message so human and affecting that it literally is a wunderkind.
The title character, WALL-E, a small robot that manages to do something really great, has joined the visual image ranks as a robot force not seen since Star Wars‘ R2D2 or Short Circut‘s Johnny 5. He is now a part of pop culture that is synonymous with joy and love for man and robot kind alike. So if there’s anything better than seeing terrific little WALL-E on the big screen, it would be seeing him in action in person. And that’s what Mike Senna has spent the last two years doing — creating a real life WALL-E. But that’s not all! The motivation for bringing WALL-E to life is so that young children, including those in hospitals, can enjoy seeing and interacting with him. And Senna has worked hard to make those moments incredibly special by creating this robot friend in painstaking detail, down to the robot’s weathered appearance, the size and shape of his expressive eyes, and the logos on his body.
And when Senna powers him up and you hear WALL-E say his name (WALL-EEEE), move his eyes, and wave to those young kids and give them the biggest thrill — well, let’s just say, it’s nearly impossible not to be moved.
Well done, Mike.
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