Daily Archives: August 8, 2012

7 posts

Super Squats Challenge

We are on day 14 of our lastest Super Squats Challenge: jumping lunges. The goal of the first 30 days is to increase the number of lunges you do in 30 seconds by 25% from your baseline. For example, if you did 15 on your first day, the goal is to get to 18-19 by August 25th. Sounds like a lot but you can do it! Continue reading

F’n Early NFL Preview: AFC North Edition

TrophyBefore I get to the AFC North, I’d like to address the biggest rumor in the NFL right now swirling around New Orleans. Roger Goodell appears to be ready to reduce the suspension on Vilma in exchange for him dropping the defamation of character lawsuit. This could mean that Goodell’s evidence isn’t as strong as he stated, or it could just mean he doesn’t want a long court battle. I tend to believe the former because when is the last time you heard NFL management backing down? The coaching situation is still screwed, however, as Saint’s management admitted they were guilty and they don’t have a leg to stand on. This development could be a ray of hope in the black cloud hanging over New Orleans right now, so on to the AFC North. Continue reading

The Sikh Way of Life Can Teach Us a Thing or Two

Originally, I intended that this post be about the Sikh people, then about the beautiful principles taught in Sikhism and then about the founder Guru Nanak Dev, the first Sikh Guru.  Reading about all  has proven both enlightening and interesting. I was reminded of many valuable lessons.

For example, the monotheistic religion, founded almost 500 years ago, is the fifth largest organized religion in the world with over 30 million Sikhs worldwide.  The Sikh religious philosophy has been traditionally known as Gurmat (literally ‘wisdom of the Guru’). Devotion and remembrance of God at all times, truthful living, the denouncing of superstition and most importantly, equality of man-kind, are it’s key principles. The Sikh religion teaches respect to all other religions and that one should not only defend one’s religion, but the religious faith of others as a human right as well.  At the end of every Sikh prayer, there is a request for the welfare of all humanity. Continue reading